Agenda and demands of wir machen was
Your income
Our goals:
• Annual pass/Zone 100 and alternative offers for employees in the provinces!
• Fair and binding bonus rules for all!
• Choice between time and money for overtime compensation!
• Disclosure of market salary bandwidths!
• Closure of income gap between men and women!
Your working time
Our goals:
• Offers for child care, nursery and holiday care!
• Entitlement to working time changes (part time, full time, 4 days a week), e.g. in case of family obligations!
• Entitlement to sabbaticals and early retirement agreements!
• Creation of a personnel reserve, lowering of work and success pressure!
Your employment
Our goals:
• Fairness and security in case of outsourcings and job changes!
• Entitlement to retraining in case of job losses!
• Opportunities for young and old (technology, experience, perspective)!
• Expert/management careers without boundries (age, gender, working time factor)!